Ten Albums From 2011 My Friends Tell Me Are Good

I don’t really listen to music. I mean sure I “listen” to music, but I’m not really paying attention to what’s going really going on out there, there’s just so much. Luckily for me I have a lot of friends who do, and they’re very opinionated, so I get the opportunity to hear a lot about what’s good. Here is a list of ten bands that are supposed to be the bomb.

1. Tennis – Cape Dory

Here’s how the conversation went:

Him : “You wanna check out Tennis?”

Me: “You wanna go play?”

Him: “No, the band.”

Me: “There’s a band called Tennis?”

Him: “Yeah man they’re sweet.”

Me: “Wow. What next? A band called Girls?”

2. Girls – Father, Son, Holy Ghost

Damn it.

3, Dum Dum Girls – Only in Dreams

Oh wait, I think it was these guys he was talking about, or girls, or whatever.

4. Girlfriends and Boyfriends – Young Ones EP

No, no, this was band I’m sure of it. Or maybe I was just thinking about “Girls Against Boys”. Remember them?

5. The Men – Leave Home

A lot of people have been making fun of the all the new band names that are out there, but these guys came up with something super simple that works. They are men, they are “The Men”, very definitive.

6. MEN – Talk About Body

Or maybe this is a more definitive name. We’re not talking about females here, or maybe we are. MEN’s debut album is actually the new project of the mostly female troupe Le Tigre and touches on themes of gay baby makin’, feminism, and gender politics, or maybe music-band-name-confusion-politics.

7. The Weeknd – House of Balloons

Me: “You misspelled one of the bands you sent me.”

Him: “No, that’s how it’s spelled.”

8. Weekend – Sports

Me: “I think you misspelled one of the bands you sent me.”

9. EMA – Past Life Martyred Saints

Me: “Hell yeah, love me some EMF”

Him: “Uh no the band is EMA”

Me: “Like the label?”

I think my friends are starting to get pissed off with me.

10. Lou Reed & Metallica – Lulu

I can’t tell if they’re trolling me or not. I can’t tell if this album is a joke or not. Is it so horrible that’s its actually good? A lot of people seem to be talking about it. Music these days confuses me.